Pain Relief: Rheumatoid Arthritis

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All content, materials and information here at An Eccentric Lifestyle are for informational purposes only. Any and all content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the

So essential oils, they are my friend. My husband had cancer; I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Endometriosis. We aren’t the healthiest horses in the stable and most wouldn’t put bets on us winning the race haha. Medical bills can run wild here but we have put a stopper by exploring holistic alternatives and cleaner living.

Just so you know we do not hate doctors and yes we believe in modern medicine but we also believe that our bodies are naturally capable of handling some of the hiccups in health that come our way.

Today, we are going to spotlight Deep Blue, doTERRA’s soothing blend for pain relief.

And I can positively say that this is little oil has been my lifeline! I was diagnosed with RA back in 2011, I took meds for a few years but most medication dealing with RA have some nasty effects on your body and also unsafe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Worse still, the medication didn’t take care of the pain, there was quite a bit of “break through” pain. I was miserable.

So when my husband and I got married, I decided to try to manage my RA through diet, exercise, watching my stress levels and being aware of my body’s limits. Then I discovered essential oils. A old friend of mine used Deep Blue to help with the pain that came with his bone cancer so I thought why not.

There would be days I could hardly move because of the pain, mornings where getting out of bed would be excruciating, or sometimes I couldn’t sleep because of the pain.

Deep Blue allows me to function and take care of my little ones. And, gratefully, the pain relief would comes almost immediately after application.

Other roles of Deep Blue

Another benefit, my boys have pretty intense growing pains and I don’t like using Tylenol for pain relief with its’ possible effects on the gut especially the frequency they need it at times. So when they start to complain about pains I dilute Deep Blue in fractionated coconut oil and apply to their legs twice a day usually when they wake up and at night right before bed. You can always apply before nap time too.

Without fail my boys have been much happier and slept through the night. And I know when I have forgotten especially at night because more than once I have woken up to H. or W. screaming in the middle of the night and holding their legs.

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Logistics of Deep Blue

 Deep Blue is safe for topical use only and is best diluted. For more details, you are welcome to buy the book, The Essential Life or go to

Deep blue doterra info sheet
Image presentation by DoTerra

Tidbits to remember

I am partial to putting my essential oil/carrier oil mixture in a roll-on bottle like this one or a spray bottle like this. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil, see dilution chart. Fractionated coconut oil is a great carrier oil it hydrates the skin, odorless, colorless and best of all doesn’t leave behind that greasy feeling because who likes that? Not this lady!

Keep in mind that it is the frequency of your use in small doses that maximize your results not and I repeat NOT quantity. Increases the quantity over a period of time can actually have harmful side effects instead of helping. Remember too much of a good thing can have a turn for the worse.

Any thoughts? I would love to hear from you, drop me a comment or message!


DōTERRA Essential Oils. (2019, April 29). Retrieved from

DoTERRA Wholesale Customer vs. Wellness Advocate | dōTERRA Essential Oils. (2019, May 31). Retrieved from

Fractionated Coconut Oil Uses and Benefits. (2019, May 06). Retrieved from

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